Sunday, April 28, 2013

What We Learned

We finally completed our video! To do this we learned a whole bunch and made a storyboard before filming. We had so much fun filming and learning about caterpillars and butterflies! We used multiple intelligences to help us learn like:
  • drawing
  • acting
  • charts
  • poems
  • observation
Our video took some work, but we love the way it ended up and hope you do, too!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Beginning!

My name is Alex and I am posting on behalf of eight students in a prekindergarten class!

"We like to play."
"And learn!"
"And eat!"
"And play!"

We're going to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly, but first we have to think about what we already know and what we want to know. We used a KWL chart to show all of this:

We will be focusing on answering a couple questions for the duration of our lesson!